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Special Educational Needs and Admissions Policy:

We will provide all students will full access to learning opportunities appropriate to their needs. Each student is unique, requiring individualised learning programmes and support in order to reach their potential. We identify and address each student’s strengths and also which areas to develop, in a positive, supportive and non-discriminatory manner.

We aim to:

  • Ensure that all students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum that is delivered through schemes of work which address: Cognition and learning, Communication and interaction, Social & emotional, Physical and sensory and Creative and cultural learning.
  • Provide a meaningful and stimulating curriculum that reflects the needs of the individual and promotes independence, creativity and fun.
  • Assist teachers in in order to produce planning and assessment to meet the needs of all students.
  • Identify the special educational needs (SEN) of individual students and address how this impact on their learning.
  • Plan and provide effective learning strategies and interventions for all students.
  • Liaise with other agencies and professionals who provide a service or who support the student and their family.
  • Provide an effective recording and monitoring system that clearly identifies progress.
  • Ensure continuity and consistency throughout the school.
  • Provide a learning environment that it complementary to the students individual learning styles and their learning priorities.
  • To liaise with multi agency professionals to enable partnership working.

The SEN Governor is Ioannis Athanasiou

The SEN coordinator (SENCO) is Heidi Tully, Head Teacher.

It is the responsibility of the SENCO to coordinate provision for all students at Tuke.

Access to specialist support and facilities:

It is an essential part of our philosophy that all of the curriculum and every part of the school building is easily accessible to all. Our specialist facilities include: hydrotherapy suite, art and design areas, music studio and garden, food technology rooms and a physical exploration area with a trampoline and interactive technology. Our corridor walls incorporate a sensory trail as an aid for students to navigate themselves through the school and changing lightening to accommodate students with light sensitivities for a visual impairment.

Students who require additional support for eating and drinking receive appropriate levels of support from trained staff. Students with medical needs will have an agreed health care plan and identified staff will be trained to be able to support their needs. Supporting students with effective communication is a priority and we have a total communication approach which means that we will incorporate all strategies that are useful and meaningful to aid the students in their communication. We draw on advice and support from speech and language therapist and those staff that have been trained in specific techniques such as Picture Exchange Communication system and eye gaze. As a Movement Opportunities via Education (MOVE) centre of excellence we promote functional mobility and work with parents and therapy staff to enable students to develop their skills with sitting, standing and walking.

Admission Policy and Arrangements:

Tuke School is able to meet the needs of 11- 19 years old students who have a range of learning disabilities to include: severe and complex, sensory and physical, autism and challenging behaviour.

The local Authority has responsibility for providing all supporting documentation when consulting with Tuke School about the appropriateness of a placement for individual students.

In considering a placement Tuke School will review all relevant paperwork and make arrangement for the parents and child to visit the school. If it is felt that the school could meet the needs of the child the Head Teacher will inform the local authority and when appropriate, arrange a home visit. A start date can be agreed in consultation with the local authority.

Students who have placements at Tuke have the support of an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).

A small number of students may start at Tuke on an assessment placement. This will be a joint agreement between the Local authority, parents and the school. During this time a decision will be made about the appropriateness of an EHCP.

EHCP plans are reviewed annually and the parents/carers are invited to attend and contribute to the meeting. Where parents are unable to attend and give permission for the meeting to go ahead, the reports are shared with them and they are invited to express their views which can be added to the final reports.

If at any time, parents/carers feel that their child’s EHCP plan should be amended, a meeting can be held and recommendations or amendments can be recorded requested to the local authority.

For students who are new to the school, an interim meeting is held between the SENCO, class teacher and parent. Discussion takes place around how the student has settled, agreeing individual learning focus, health needs and ensuring that the transition for the students is as successful as possible.

Tuke School has a home school agreement and within this parents and carers are asked to support school policies and guidelines to include the School’s exclusion policy. While every effort is made not to exclude a student by seeking to meet the needs of every individual, the policy will be followed where necessary.

A copy of our school prospectus and essential policies are provided to parents and carers. We operate an open door policy and encourage joint partnerships with parents of our students.